Simulation Manager

The simulation manager can be used to start and stop your simulations. This is also where you can download your datasets and retrieve information about your simulations.

Simulation States

Your simulation can be in a variety of states. The available options will change depending on the simulation state.


When your simulation is in a ready state, it will show as green in the interface. This indicates that the configuration you submitted is valid and is ready to run.


  1. Start your simulation (the play button icon), transition your simulation to a running state and start generating data.

  2. Queue your simulation (the clock icon) placed your simulation in the queue state.


When your simulation is in a queue state it will be placed in a queue to be run when resources become available.

You might want to use this feature if you have prepared a large number of simulations that you want to run over many hours or days. Once you place a simulation in the queue it will be automatically started once resources become available in your organization.

For example, if your organization has a number of running simulations that are consuming all your available nodes. As those simulations complete and nodes free up our servers will autostart the next job in the queue.


  1. Remove from queue (the eject icon) will remove the simulation from the queue and return the simulation to a ready state.


A running simulation is one that is generating data. In this state you can preview images and check the status.


  1. Stop your simulation (the red square button), this will transition your simulation to a complete state, and the data you have generated so far will be packaged up for download.

  2. Retrieve information (the letter "i" icon), will report simulation progress and simulation state such as "starting up" or "not yet started"

  3. Preview (the eye icon) will open a new browser tab showing a live preview of data being generated on the server. You will also be able to see a live snapshot of the logs.


Once your simulation is complete your dataset will be packaged up and any post-processing operations will be applied. Once completed your data will be available for download.


  1. Download (the cloud icon) will give you the option to save a copy of your dataset to a local folder in .zip format.

  2. Retrieve information (the letter "i" icon), will report simulation progress and simulation state such as "starting up" or "not yet started"

  3. Preview (the eye icon) will open a new browser tab showing a live preview of data being generated on the server. You will also be able to see a live snapshot of the logs.

  4. Delete (the trash can icon) will remove the simulation from the simulation manager. Lexset will keep that simulation archived for 30 days before we remove it. If you delete anything by accident please contact support.

Last updated