
The credentials library provides a convenient way to manage credentials and link external resources, such as your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account, to your Lexset account. The linkAccounts class contains a method called link_gcp_account, which accepts the file path to your GCP service account JSON, a unique name for the credential, and your Lexset access token. By calling this method, your GCP credentials will be linked to your Lexset account.

Class: LinkAccounts

This class provides methods to link your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account.

This method links your GCP account by providing the service account JSON file path, a unique name for the credential, and your Lexset access token.


  • service_account_json_file_path (str): The path to the service account JSON file downloaded from GCP.

  • name_of_credential (str): A unique name for the credential.

  • token (str): Your Lexset access token.


from lexset.credentials import linkAccounts

service_account_path = "/path/to/your/gcp_service_account.json"
credential_name = "your_unique_credential_name"
lexset_token = "your_lexset_access_token"

linkAccounts.link_gcp_account(service_account_path, credential_name, lexset_token)

This will link your GCP account with the provided credential information.

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