This data may be used in conjunction with ex/intrinsic matrices.
Check for self-occlusion: If checked, keypoint visibility will also be determined by self-occlusion, e.g. a hand behind one's back, not visible by the camera.
Use helper mesh for self-occlusion: If checked, a simplified version of the object will be used when checking for self-occlusion. In general, this will resolve most false negatives, i.e. a keypoint determined to be occluded when it, in fact, is not.
Self occlusion tolerance: Tolerance (in meters) of the self-occlusion test. Distances below this value will be ignored. For example, setting this to an extremely high value such as 1 meter may cause no keypoints to be labeled as "occluded".
Keypoints are provided in a separate keypoints.json file in global XYZ coordinates (right-handed, Z-up) as well as in image coordinates in the coco_annotations.json file, in standard COCO format.