Relationship Editor
In the Relationship Editor tab you will designate the relationships of your 3D assets to each other and elements in the scene (e.g. ground_plane):
Workflow: The workflow is the space where you will be defining all object relationships.
Load Collection: This module is used to place collections of 3D assets into the scene and to define their relationship to other objects and elements using a parent/child system.
Locate: This module is used for designating the range of placement in the scene via a vector.
Rotate: This module is used for rotating an object, rotation can be defined as a range or as a static value. Units are in degrees.
Neighbor: This module will place an object to a specific side of the parent object. You can also declare an offset as a range.
Drop: This module will place an object directly onto a parent object or element.
Center: This module will center an object on a particular axis.
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