The workflow is the container you will use to define the parameters of your simulation.
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The workflow is the container you will use to define the parameters of your simulation.
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Scene: Scene modules are used to configure your scene context. This will include importing/generating 3D environments, backgrounds, and/or lighting.
Relationships: Relationships between classes of objects defined in the relationship editor are imported into your workflow here.
Camera: Camera type, position, and camera properties are all defined in this section.
Manipulators: Manipulators can be used to transform and randomize your scene each time a data point is generated.
Colormap: Import your color map and define the labels for your COCO JSON file.
Additional Output: Additional render passes are defined in this section. For example, a depth map would be defined in this workflow portion.
Annotation Settings: Any additional limitations or transformations you might want to apply to the data annotations are defined here.
Post-Processing: Applies post-processing effects to images, such as adding shot noise.
Category Visibility: Controls the visibility of objects per semantic category. Used with this block.
Raytrace Samples: Number of paths to trace for each pixel in the RGB images. Increasing the number of samples improves render quality, but takes more time.
Image Format: Image file format (PNG, JPEG, TIFF).
Color Depth: Image bit depth (8- and 16-bit).
Color Mode: Image color mode (RGB, Panchromatic).
JPEG Quality: JPEG image quality (only applies to JPEG image format).
Use experimental raytracer: Enables experimental raytracer features (not applicable in most simulations).
Object removal iterations: Defines the maximum number of times to remove objects which do not meet the specified visibility threshold (under the Category Visibility section).
Use dynamic BVH tree: If checked, the BVH tree will be built dynamically (per object). This method may be more time-efficient for animated sequences.
Exclude Annotations: If checked, RGB images will be generated without any annotations.