This block positions the camera above an object matching the provided name and method (category or object name).
Match By: Property with which to match an object (Category/Object Name).
Match Name: A string to match (case-insensitive) the object category or name.
Use Partial Match: If checked, all objects with a partial match to the provided name will be sampled.
Override Existing Camera Rotation: If checked, the initial rotation of the camera will be replaced with the provided values.
Initial Rotation (Yaw/Pitch/Roll): Ranges of rotation values to use as the camera's initial rotation. If "Override Existing Camera Rotation" is unchecked, the camera's current rotation values will be used.
Additional Rotation (Yaw/Pitch/Roll): Rotation values which are applied in addition to the initial rotation.
Additional Translation (X/Y/Z): Translation applied after the camera's position has already been overridden.
Adjust the intensity of lights in your scene
This block will change the intensity of all light objects in your scene. Please note that this will impact HDRI light sources. IMPORTANT - please make sure the block is always used before the "Near IR" block. The "Near IR" block will add a light to your scene. Modifiers are executed sequentially and if it is executed first the light used in the IR simulation will not be impacted.
Camera manipulators modify camera extrinsics by translating and rotating the camera with a variety of methods.
This block will point the camera toward a specific object or bone as well as move the camera to a specified distance from said object.
Object Name: Name of the object. If Bone Names
is used, the name of this object should be that of a rig.
Distance to Target (min/max): Distance from the target object (or bone). If both values are set to 0, the distance will not be overridden.
Bone Names: Name(s) of the bones within the specified object to point to.
Adds a point light coincident with the camera and converts color space to panchromatic to mimic the appearance of near-field IR imagery.
Illuminator Power: Radiant power of the point light in Watts.
Randomly replace a material in your scene.
Import: Load a material collection into your scene.
Replace by: Select materials to be replaced by either "object name" or by category.
Randomizes a numerical property of a material.
Material name: The name of the material to be randomized.
Property name: Name of the material property to randomize.
Value (min/max): A range of values to uniformly sample for the new property value.
Manipulators are modules that can be used to transform or manipulate objects that are already loaded into a scene.
Load a set of materials from a collection.
Material collections are created on the "Materials" page. You can upload your own shaders and materials to a designated collection.
Define how materials are mapped to other materials in the scene and at what frequency they are replaced.
Replace: Enter the material name in your scene file. In the final port on this row input an object name variable here. With: provide a material name with a weight.
This module will remove objects of a specific name from your scene.
Define the object name and what percentage of the items you want to be removed from the scene.
This can be a useful way to randomize a scene by randomly deleting items each time a new data point is generated.
Object Name: Name of the object to delete.
Percentage to delete: Percentage of objects matching the name to delete.
Ignore: Number of objects to skip deleting.
Min/Max Distance: Distance range from the camera in which objects may be ignored.
View Limits X (Min/Max): A pair of values where 0 is the left side of the frame and 1 is the right side of the frame.
View Limits Y (Min/Max): A pair of values where 0 is the bottom of the frame and 1 is the top of the frame.
The replace module can be used to replace objects in your scene with other objects.
You can also transform the items in your scene by rotating them, aligning them to the camera or setting them a minimum distance from your camera.
Object Name: Name of the object to delete.
Items: Number of objects to replace in the scene.
Collection: Collection of 3d assets to sample (objects which will be used to replace). If the Load Child Object block is used, this will serve as the parent object.
New Object Name: (Optional) new name for the replaced object.
Rotation (Min/Max): Rotation range, in degrees, about the object's vertical axis.
View settings (optional): A block defining view-related settings. See more.
Load child object (optional): A block which loads and parents a child object. See more.
Defines a pair of poses for interpolation.
This is used in conjunction with the Pose Objects block. This will interpolate between two poses, the amount of which is determined by min and max bias values (as a percentage). The example below will interpolate between open
and closed
poses between 0% and 25%. A bias below 50% will label the object using the name of Pose A
, whereas a bias above 50% will label the object using the name of Pose B
Pose A: The first pose.
Pose B: The second pose.
Bias Min: Weight toward the first pose.
Bias Max: Weight toward the second pose.
Pose name partial match: If checked, pose names partially matching the given name will also be sampled. For example, using the pose name "sitting" will match all poses containing the string "sitting".
This block loads and parents a child object.
This block loads a child object, using two bones to parent the object.
Load child object from: Collection of 3d assets to sample (objects which will be used to replace).
Parent bone name: Name of the bone in the parent rig.
Child bone name: Name of the bone in the child rig.
This block provides replacement settings related to the camera view.
Align to Camera: If checked, replaced objects will face the camera (affected by rotation values).
Distance to Replace (Min/Max): Distance range from the camera within which objects will be replaced. If both values are set to 0, there will be no restriction.
Replace in View: If checked, only objects within the view of the camera will be replaced. The extents of the view may be restricted using X and Y view limits.
View Limits X (Min/Max): A pair of values where 0 is the left side of the frame and 1 is the right side of the frame.
View Limits Y (Min/Max): A pair of values where 0 is the bottom of the frame and 1 is the top of the frame.
Randomizes the color of a material.
Material name: The name of the material to be randomized.
Chance: Chance (as a percentage, between 0 and 100) to randomize the material’s color.
This module applies a pose to a rigged object
This block can be added to change the pose of an object given the name of the rig and a list of poses. There are two variants of this block--the following will only apply a single pose.
Rig Name: The name of the rig to modify.
Poses: A list of poses. See Pose Pair for more information.
This variant of the block will apply multiple poses (one from each "pose set").
Rig Name: The name of the rig to modify.
Pose Sets: A list of pose sets, each of which contain a list of pose pairs. See Pose Set for more information.
A list of pose pairs.
A pose set block is a list of pose pairs, from which one pose pair will be chosen and then applied.
In the image above, two sets of poses will be applied to a single rig, "rig". The first set of poses will apply a pose partially matching the name "_L" (e.g. a left-handed pose).
The second set of poses will apply a pose partially matching the name "_R" (e.g. a right-handed pose).
Input a material name and a weight
Weight defines the likleyhood of this material being used over another one in the list.
Adds a particle system to an object which populates the geometry with instances of another collection of objects. Commonly used to populate a landscape with vegetation.
Target Object Name: Name of the object to populate with particles.
Particle Collection: Collection to instance for unique particles.
Number of Particles (Min/Max): The total number of particles on the target object geometry.
Unique Particle Instance (Min/Max): The number of unique objects to use for the particle system.
Particle Random Scale: A value between 0 and 1 where 0 maintains the original object scale and 1 is the highest level of randomization.
Loads objects along a curve
Curve Name: Name of the curve(s) along which the objects will be loaded.
Object Collection: Collection of objects to load along the curve.
Curve Parameter (Min/Max): Defines the part of the curve to sample where 0 is the start of the curve and 1 is the end of the curve.
Curve Parameter Tolerance: The tolerance (between 0 and 1) to use when sampling points along the curve. Using a larger value will cause objects to be placed farther apart from one another.
Number of Samples (Min/Max): Number of points to sample for placing objects.
Random Rotation (Min/Max): A range of rotation values (in degrees) to apply to the objects after they have been placed and aligned to the curve.
Constrains (parents) one object to another. All transformations applied to the parent object will be inherited by the child object.
Child Collection: Collection from which to load a child object.
Parent Object Name: Name of the parent object (case-insensitive).
Parent Bone Name: (Optional) Name of the bone in the parent object. Only applies to rigged objects.
Partial Match Name: If checked, a partial match will be used for the parent object name.
Number of Parents (Min/Max): Number of objects to act as parents.
Number of Children (Min/Max): Number of objects to load as children.