This block positions the camera above an object matching the provided name and method (category or object name).
Match By: Property with which to match an object (Category/Object Name).
Match Name: A string to match (case-insensitive) the object category or name.
Use Partial Match: If checked, all objects with a partial match to the provided name will be sampled.
Override Existing Camera Rotation: If checked, the initial rotation of the camera will be replaced with the provided values.
Initial Rotation (Yaw/Pitch/Roll): Ranges of rotation values to use as the camera's initial rotation. If "Override Existing Camera Rotation" is unchecked, the camera's current rotation values will be used.
Additional Rotation (Yaw/Pitch/Roll): Rotation values which are applied in addition to the initial rotation.
Additional Translation (X/Y/Z): Translation applied after the camera's position has already been overridden.